Tiree: Attractions, activities, best time to visit

It is considered the sunniest place in Scotland and the Hawaii of the north: the small island of Tiree. The most westerly of the Inner Hebrides attracts visitors with its mild weather and wonderful beaches. Active travellers and connoisseurs alike will get their money’s worth on Tiree.

Content: Sights | Activities | Best time to visit | Getting there & travelling | Festivals | Food & drink | Nature

Tiree is largely made up of beaches and the fertile but fragile machair. Visitors can marvel at a sea of flowers here in summer, where rare birds can be heard and seen. Sports enthusiasts, however, tend to visit Tiree for the favourable winds and waves. The island is considered a top destination for windsurfers and is therefore also known as the “Hawaii of the North”.

Tiree also offers several tours for hikers, which also lead to places steeped in history. And the famous Skerryvore lighthouse off the coast of the island shows just how much people used to wrestle with the sea here.

There is no shortage of flavours on Tiree either: chocolate, beer, gin and soon also whisky enrich the culinary offerings of the island’s restaurants.

Isle of Tiree in a nutshell

Annual average hours of sunshine
speak Gaelic
Name:Isle of Tiree, Tiriodh
Special features:relatively flat island, large areas of machair, wonderful beaches
Activities:Water sports (surfing, but also stand-up paddling, kayaking, etc.), hiking, birdwatching, enjoyment
Languages:English, Gaelic

Typical for Tiree


There are twelve large beaches and many small sandy bays on Tiree, which are ideal for walks and water sports.


The traditional white houses on Tiree are thatched and have a protruding, thick wall.

Ein Kiebitz steht im Gras. Sein Feder-Kleid schillert mehrfarbig.


There are plenty of lapwings on Tiree, which are otherwise rather rare. The corncrake also lives here.

Eine grüne Wiese mit unzähligen Blumen darauf.


Attractions and activities on Tiree

Historic Hynish

Ein kleines hafenbecken, das voller Sand ist und ein Haus dahinter auf Tiree bei Hynish.
The harbour of Hynish

An entire village and harbour built for the famous Skerryvore lighthouse. Exciting story(s).

Ringing Stone and Dùn Mòr Bhalla

Ein großer Fels liegt auf dem Boden. Er hat kleine Vertiefungen.
The Ringing Stone

A hike along the coast to an Iron Age fortress and a special rock: the Ringing Stone – which actually sounds.

An Iodhlann Historical Centre

Ein rotbraunes Haus mit zwei Giebeln. Darin ist das historische Zentrum An Iodhlann untergebracht.
Historical centre “An Iodhlann”

Although it is only open a few hours a week, the centre gives visitors a good insight into life on Tiree in the past.

Old Mill near Cornaig

Eine verfallene Mühle mit einem großen Mühlrad und einem Teich davor.
Cornaig Old Mill

The romantically situated ruins of a mill with a beautiful wooden water wheel and a pond in front of it.

Ruins of Kirkapol

Eine Kirchenruine umgeben von einem Friedhof.
One of the chapels of Kirkapol

Surrounded by graves, the two ruins of 14th century chapels stand behind Tiree Lodge on Traigh Mòr beach.

Hough Stonecirlce

Ein stehender Stein aus der Jungsteinzeit auf Tiree.
Standing stone near Hough

Two stone circles and a cairn were found in the field near Hough. Some of the stones are still standing and can be visited.

Isle of Tiree Distillery

Eine Katze kommt auf die Kamera zu, im Hintergrund ist das schwarze Gebäude der Tiree Distillery zu sehen
Tiree Distillery

Gin is currently distilled here in various flavours, but whisky will soon be added. You can drink cocktails here and even distil your own gin on a course.

Balemartin Graveyard

Grabsteine auf dem Balemartin Friedhof
The graveyard

The highlight here is the MacLeans Cross, an ancient gravestone. However, it is already very overgrown with lichen. However, an information board shows what it looks like underneath.

Chocolates & Charms

Die Geschäftsvorderseite von Chocolate & Charmes auf Tiree
Chocolate & Charms on Tiree

Chocolate is just one part of this fascinating little shop. There is jewellery, gifts and lots of other little things.

Diverse Wassersport Boards liegen auf ener Wiese

Activities on Tiree

Tiree can really be enjoyed by people who love the sea. Whether it’s looking for beach glass on Sorobaidh beach or surfing in Gott Bay. Tiree has something for every type of water sport – kayaking, windsurfing, kitesurfing, stand-up paddling (sup). There are two centres on the island for this: Wild Diamond and Blackhouse Watersports. Both hire out equipment and offer courses.

Die Boote von Tiree Sea Tours an einem Pier
The Tiree Sea Tours fleet at the pier

The excursions organised by Tiree Sea Tours take you out to sea, even without sporting ambitions. A standard tour takes you along the coast of Tiree up to the tip of neighbouring Coll. Bottlenose dolphins, dolphins, seals and often minke whales can be observed. A special trip leads out to the Skerryvore lighthouse. This stone giant stands on just one small rock.

Tiree Sea Tours can be booked via the website or directly on site in the small shop at the airport.

Eine Frau hat sich Jacken um die Hüfte gebunden und wandert durch eine Wiese
Hiking on Tiree

If you like things more down-to-earth, put on your hiking boots and explore the island on foot. The 7.5 kilometre hike to the Ringing Stone, which also explores two brochs, is famous. If it is dry, it can even be extended to a circular tour of around 10 kilometres.

Der Bauch einer kupfernen Brennblase
Tiree gin still

Tiree also has a distillery, the Isle of Tiree Distillery. It currently produces several types of gin, but is also planning to release its first whisky soon. The small shop also has a bar serving food and cocktails. Tasting sips of the gin are available free of charge.

On some days, the owners also take visitors into the distillery and explain the distilling process. From time to time, it is also possible to attend courses where participants can distil gin themselves.

Best time to visit Tiree

Tiree competes with Dundee for the most hours of sunshine in Scotland. This is also due to the fact that Tiree’s highest “mountain”, Ben Hynish, is just 141 metres high and, unlike islands such as the Isle of Skye, it hardly ever catches any clouds.

The months of May and June see the most sunshine and the least rain. After that it gets a little worse in July and August. But even that is much better than other islands. The infamous biting flies or midges are generally a minor problem on Tiree.

Weather and climate on Tiree

Climate chart for the island of Tiree
MonthTemperatureSunshine hoursPrecipitationDays with precipitation

Conclusion: May is an excellent month for travelling to Tiree. But compared to Edinburgh or Glasgow, for example, the weather is also very good in the remaining summer months. Although there is more rainfall in August, there is also more sunshine – in short: changeable island weather. Winter can be attractive, but it is also a very quiet time on Tiree.

Please note: The renowned Tiree Music Festival always takes place on the island in mid-July. The island’s population triples during this time – there are usually more than 2,000 listeners. This should always be factored into your planning.

How to get there: How do I get to Tiree?

Die Fähre kommt im Hafen von Tiree an
The Calmac ferry “Clansman” arrives in Tiree harbour

Caledonian MacBrayne car ferries serve the route from Oban to Tiree via the Isle of Coll.

fromtoDurationCost one way
ObanColl & Tiree3:50 hPers. approx. £11, car approx. £56
All prices quoted are intended as examples. I have collected them from the online booking tools and rounded them slightly. They are valid for 2024 and are without guarantee.
Die Gebäude des kleinen Flughafens von Tiree
The buildings of the small airport of Tiree

Faster than the ferry is the aeroplane. There are two airlines that fly to Tiree: Loganair departs from Glasgow and takes you to the island in an hour.

On most days there is a flight in the morning or at midday and on others at midnight. The planes also fly straight back.

fromtoDurationCost one way
ObanTiree1 happrox. £90 with 15kg, approx. £110 with 23kg and flex, approx. £150 with 30kg luggage and flex
All prices mentioned are intended as calculation examples. I have collected them from the online booking tools and rounded them slightly. They are valid for 2024 and are without guarantee.

Hebridean Air Services fly to Tiree on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and afternoons from Oban.

Travelling to Tiree

By car: Tiree has well-developed roads, in the hinterland often only as singletrack roads with passing bays. However, they are always large enough and safe. Visitors usually take the car ferry from Calmac. However, those arriving by plane can also hire a car on Tiree itself from Toraz directly at the airport.

By bike: The size of Tiree should not be underestimated, even if it seems small. However, as it is flat, it is also suitable for cycling. There is a hire shop in Sandaig that rents out everything from mountain bikes to e-bikes.

Public transport: Unfortunately, Tiree doesn’t offer much here. There are no public buses or taxis.

Food & drink on Tiree

Tiree’s gastronomic scene is quite lively for such a small island. The same rule applies here as it does almost everywhere else in Scotland: you should call ahead and try to make a reservation for dinner.

Ceabhar Restaurant

In the west of Tiree, the restaurant serves lamb, beef, fish and vegetarian dishes from Wednesday to Saturday. The beer from Bun Dubh Crafty Enviropunk Brewing.
Info on Facebook.

Alan Stevenson House

Located directly on the harbour basin of Hynish, the Alan Stevenson House serves Scottish fare: seafood, meat and vegetables in various delicious variations.
Info on Facebook.

Yellow Hare

A café serving pancakes, coffee and cakes, bagels, ice cream, cocktails and more. The Yellow Hare is located at the Scarinish ferry terminal. Open daily except Tuesdays.
Info on the website.

Other restaurants:

Festivals on Tiree

Feis Thiriodh

This small festival aims to support the culture and Gaelic language of Tiree. At the beginning of July, pub sessions and dance events bring together not only residents of the island.
Info: www.facebook.com/FeisThiriodh

Tiree Music Festival (TMF)

The Tiree Music Festival has been taking place in mid-July since 2010 and has grown from a few hundred participants to 2,100 – the organisers do not sell more tickets. The festival lasts three days and is right next to the beautiful beaches. There is folk music on stage, and not just from Scotland. In addition to music, there are other activities such as beach yoga and gin tastings.
Info: tireemusicfestival.co.uk

Tiree Annual Regatta

One day at the end of July – weather permitting – the Tiree Annual Regatta takes place. The islanders compete for victory in traditional boats. The whole thing can be watched from the coast.Info: https://www.tireemaritimetrust.org.uk

Tiree Wave Classic

One week in mid-October belongs to the windsurfers. Since 1986, amateurs and professionals have been competing against each other at the Tiree Wave Classics and showing what spectacular stunts are possible.
Info: www.tireewaveclassic.co.uk

Drei rote See-Anemonen im Wasser an einem Stein

Nature on Tiree

What really impresses in summer on Tiree is the machair. It covers large parts of the south of the island with a uniquely beautiful carpet of flowers. And this in turn provides a good ecosystem for birds. It’s amazing how many lapwings can be seen here.

Seals, dolphins and minke whales frolic in the seawater along the coast.

Here is an overview and picture of the most interesting animals and plants on and around Tiree:

Animals on land and at sea

Die Finne eines Tümmlers taucht aus dem Meer auf bei Coll

Porpoise & dolphins

On the coasts of near the harbours

Der Kopf eines Seehunds schaut halb aus dem Wasser bei der Insel Coll

Seal (Seal)

To be seen on the coast or near the neighbouring island of Coll

Ein weiß und braun geflecktes Schaf

Dutch Spotted Sheep

On display at the Crossapool farm

Eine Ziege auf einem Hügel auf der Insel Tiree blickt zur Kamera


Mainly found in the north near Dùn Mòr Bhalla

Plant world

Rosa Strand-Grasnelken gegen den blauen Himmel fotografiert

Beach carnation

On the beaches, these flowers thrive on rocks


Found in the slightly more boggy soil in the north

Blick auf Lila Disteln von oben


Also more likely to be found in the north



Mostly found in the Machair, for example on Berneray

Arctic Tern

Frequently observed at sea.

Cormoran (Shag)

They can often be seen flying busily over the water

Crex Crex (Corncrake)

The largest population of these shy birds lives on Tiree

Who writes here?

Eine Person auf einem Betonpodest an einem Strand auf Tiree

Stephan Goldmann
I am the owner of MyHighlands.co.uk and have been travelling to Scotland since 1990. I have also been learning Gaelic for several years.
I was immediately enchanted by the island of Tiree. It has a pleasant size, a wonderful love affair with the sea and in summer it is covered in flowers.